About Faces of California Biomedical Innovation


Faces of California Biomedical Innovation is a campaign to elevate and amplify the voices of patients impacted by the innovative cures and treatments developed by the California biomedical community. With patient voices leading the way, it’s clear that the biomedical sector and the innovative treatments and medtech being developed in it, are essential to a healthier California and world.

Faces of California Biomedical Innovation provides resources and information about the biomedical industry to advocates and policymakers alike. We hope that by hearing these stories, policymakers in Sacramento and Congress will join the movement to protect access to these live-saving technologies and treatments.

Without the development of biomedical innovations many patients would not be here to tell their story. By protecting access and innovation in this sector we hope that Californians and others around the world can live longer and healthier lives.

California Life Sciences Association (CLSA) advances California’s world-leading life sciences innovation ecosystem by advocating for effective national, state and local public policies and supporting entrepreneurs and life sciences businesses. Visit CLSA at califesciences.org, and follow us on Twitter @CALifeSciences, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube.